
During an acupuncture treatment, fine disposable needles are inserted into specific points on the body which promotes the normal flow of energy, stimulating the body’s natural healing processes, and restoring balance. Chinese medicine considers the body to be a dynamic energy system, fueled by a life force known as qi. This energy circulates through the body along pathways called meridians, and its free movement is vital for good health.

Studies into acupuncture have found that it helps reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation, and rebalance hormone levels, in fact across many different physiological processes in the body, acupuncture seems to help restore normal function. The World Health Organisation recognizes acupuncture as a safe and effective form of health care.
Acupuncture is generally painless, as the needles are very fine – most people feel some warmth, heaviness or a slight radiating sensation, followed by a feeling of relaxation while the needles are retained for 20 minutes. The course of treatment can vary, from one to two sessions for a new acute condition, regular weekly or fortnightly sessions while a chronic issue is resolved, to monthly maintenance or preventative treatment.

Other treatments can involve moxibustion, in which penetrating heat from a burning Chinese herb is used to warm acupoints to tonify or promote the flow of qi, or cupping, the application of warmed glass cups to certain areas of the body (typically the back) to increase circulation, release pain or blockages and clear toxins.

Simple lifestyle changes, including diet, exercise, and stress-management techniques, will be discussed, allowing you to take charge of your own wellbeing, and maintain good health.