

At Four Gates we practice Traditional Chinese Medicine  (TCM), a holistic approach to healthcare, utilising acupuncture and herbal medicine as well as dietary and lifestyle advice to treat a wide range of conditions.


During the initial consultation we will take a detailed history of your health, asking questions about energy and stress levels, digestive function, quality of sleep, dizziness or sweating, menstruation, and location of any aching or pain, and examining your tongue and pulse. This allows us to address both your main health concern and your overall wellbeing, and design a personalised treatment program which may include acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, and herbal medicine. Simple diet and lifestyle changes will help achieve better results, and allow you to maintain optimal health.

Your initial visit is one hour, which allows time for diagnosis, acupuncture treatment, and prescription and dispensing of any herbal medicines. As treatment progresses symptoms can change, and regular follow-up consultations allow us to assess your progress and make any necessary adjustments.
While new conditions can show rapid improvement, chronic health issues can require longer treatment to completely resolve. As Chinese medicine treats the underlying cause you can expect to feel “better in yourself” – calmer and more energized – as your condition also improves.